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Meeting Agenda for 8th December

The next meeting of the HRA Committee is at 7.30 pm on Monday 8 December 2014 at the Highfield House Hotel. All members welcome. Please see Agenda below.

1. Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest.
2. Minutes of last meeting (previously circulated and taken as read).
3. Matters arising:

– Building Bridges
– Brookvale Road repairs
– Childrens’ Christmas Party

4. Website.
5. A Dementia Friendly Portswood, by Katherine Barbour
6. Green Deal by Alex Afful
7. Reports:

– Finance.
– Membership.
– Planning: Grosvenor Road Appeal
– Highfield House Hotel
– Recent Applications.

8. AOB
9. Reserved Business.
10. Date of next meeting.