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Gorillas’ Licence Application – ‘Blockbusters’: 133 Portswood Road

Licence application: 2021/00762/01SPRN Gorillas Blockbuster Licence Application HRA Statement
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Highfield House Hotel: 119 Highfield Lane, Southampton – Proposed hotel extension to provide additional guest bedrooms

Dear All, HIGHFIELD HOUSE HOTEL-119 Highfield Lane-Southampton-SO17 1AQ Subject: Proposed hotel extension to provide additional guest bedrooms Application summary: As a courtesy to and for all residents associations, forums and local residents in general, the following statement is provided to explain the reasoning and rational for the proposals at this well-established local landmark Hotel ....
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Planning Application Refused: 8, Blenheim Gardens, Portswood

The retrospective application for an HMO at 8 Blenheim Gardens has been refused. The reason for refusal was the impact on the character of the local area as follows: The proposed conversion of the property to a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) will result in an excessive concentration of HMOs within the immediate area and will result in an adverse impact on the overall character and amenity of...
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