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Crime Incidents & Info

HRA Crime information sharing WhatsApp Group – background and crime incidents

Posted by on Jul 25, 2024 in Crime Incidents, News

The Group was set up in July 2020 to report and share crime and anti-social behavour information across the HRA boundary area.  It includes road and area representratives and Ward Councillors. Representatives share crime and anti-social behaviour...

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Reminder to use Faraday boxes/pouches, or the equivalent, to prevent car key fobs from being accessed remotely

Posted by on Jul 23, 2024 in Crime Incidents, Crime Prevention Advice, News

With recent car break-ins and thefts, this is just a reminder to store car key fobs in Faraday boxes/pouches, or the equivalent, and position the boxes/pouches well away from the door. We understand that these break the signal so that thieves...

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Two cars stolen from the same property – Uplands Way

Posted by on Jul 23, 2024 in Crime Incidents, News

Took place night of Monday 22 July 2024. Reported to the police.

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Here are two recent posts about Portswood from Southampton Police on Facebook (20/07/24) and (17/07/24):

Posted by on Jul 21, 2024 in Crime Incidents, News

20/07/24 In a proactive effort to ensure our community’s safety, our officers from Portswood’s Neighbourhood Policing Team recently took possession of a machete. This article will be safely destroyed, eliminating any potential threat it...

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Garage broken into – Orchards Way (garage off Highfield Lane)

Posted by on Jul 15, 2024 in Crime Incidents, News

Reported to Group: 15 July 2024. Nothing much taken.

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Threatening behaviour from a street drinker – Portswood Broadway

Posted by on Jul 12, 2024 in Crime Incidents

Verbal threats and then sitting behind their parked car so the people cannot move. Reported to 999. No police attendance though, resolved by the victim. Happened on 12 July during the day.

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Young woman approached by 2 men in a white man – near junction of The Avenue and Burgess Road

Posted by on Jul 8, 2024 in Crime Incidents, News

Young woman approached evening of 8/7/24 by 2 men in a white van at 6.17pm. She was walking south along The Avenue near Burgess Rd junction. The passenger in the van reached out to grab her shoulder saying “I will help you. Get in the...

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Arrest as ‘man flashes himself to Police Officer on Southampton Common (article in Daily Echo, 4/7/24)

Posted by on Jul 4, 2024 in Crime Incidents, News

https://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/24430811.southampton-man-allegedly-exposed-police-officer/?   Also, from Southampton Police on Facebook, 4/7/24: Hello , We wanted to share an update with you after officers investigating an indecent exposure...

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Intruders in gardens of two properties – Donnington Grove

Posted by on Jul 3, 2024 in Crime Incidents, News

Reported to WA Group: 3 July 2024. Happened night of 2/3 July 2024.

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Article in Daily Echo, pm Monday 1 July 2024: “Large police presence in Portswood after incident”

Posted by on Jul 1, 2024 in Crime Incidents, News

  Click on the link below: https://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/24423116.large-police-presence-portswood-incident/?

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