facebook.com/HRASouthampton highfieldracomms@gmail.com

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Highfield Residents’ Association (HRA)
Facebook page – Terms of Use


Participation in and use of HRA’s Facebook page is considered as consenting to the following Terms of Use:

1. General

This Facebook page hosts third party information. All information posted by third parties on this page, including pictures, comments and descriptions, is the sole responsibility of users, not Highfield Residents’ Association (HRA). Users are entirely responsible for their own content.

We request that users:

  • are polite;
  • are respectful of other users, including HRA;
  • do not make defamatory statements about a person, organisation or other;
  • do not harass, upset, embarass, alarm or annoy any other person or cause them needless anxiety;
  • do not use misleading or false information;
  • keep within the law.

We will not tolerate swear words or other rude, offensive, inflammatory or inappropriate language which may incite and/or reference any kind of violence and/or hate towards others, contain sexual connotations and/or bring HRA into disrepute. This also includes the use of the above in names, profiles and logos which is strictly prohibited.

Highfield Residents’ Association is nonpolitical, nonsectarian and nondiscriminatory and all posts should adhere to this.

We reserve the right to delete posts, delete comments or ban users who do not adhere to any of the above. Our decision is final.

2. Advertising

Advertising is not permitted without the prior approval of HRA.
Inclusion of adverts on this site does not constitute endorsement of them by HRA.

HRA accepts no responsibility or liability for problems arising from:

  • products or services provided by advertisers, or
  • organisations offering discounts to HRA members, or
  • all other arrangements with external suppliers of products and services who advertise or who are included in or referred to on this Facebook page

3. Third Party Events & Other Information

Events and other information updates derived from third parties are shared and posted in good faith and offered purely for the benefit and interest of members and non-members. Care is taken to select appropriately from trusted sources but it is not possible to check all the details for accuracy and completeness.

Any enquiries about third party posts should be made to the contacts embedded within the posts.

4. Privacy and Data Protection

HRA takes all appropriate security measures to ensure that your data is protected and secured in accordance with the latest data protection legislation, including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UKGDPR) .

HRA’s Data Protection Policy, see link below, is designed to protect your personal data held by HRA. Please ensure you read this Policy carefully.

HRA will keep these Terms of Use under review.

You are expected to check this Facebook page from time to time to take notice of any changes we make as your use of the page means that you agree to be bound by our Terms of Use.

Last updated October 2024