20mph Residents’ Requests
As mentioned in the post below of 9/11/21, the 20mph request community project will be discussed at the HRA Committee Meeting on 14 December 2021. Please send ideas, representations or objections (see details in the post below) to one of the following email addresses, by Friday 10 December.
Email: highfieldracomms@gmail.com, or
Post of 9 November 2021
In the latest SCC City News, HRA members may have read about ‘Request a 20 mph speed limit in your neighbourhood‘. Already HRA has received communications from members suggesting roads where they think a 20 mph limit would improve their neighbourhood. HRA is to discuss this topic at the next Committee Meeting on Tuesday 14 December and hopes to collate representations or objections and then seek the support of our Ward Councillors before submitting a Highfield Residents’ Association response.
If you have a more local residents’ group, you may like to contact them in the first instance, for example, Portswood Residents’ Gardens, Uplands Estate, Oakmount Triangle Association and Portswood Central.
If you have a particular road or roads in mind within the broader Highfield area, please collect signatures and reasons from neighbours in your road, as many as you can. It is thought that not all applications across the city will be accepted so your voices count!
Email comments for the next Committee Meeting discussion on this topic by Friday 10 December to: