August 2024: Planning Objection – 62, Alma Road
HRA Planning Objection in the link below: 0824 62 Alma Road HRA Objection
read moreJune 2024: Variation of Condition 3 (Hours of Use) Objection – 158 Portswood Road
0624 158 Cha Sha Portswood Road objects
read moreApril 2024: Variation of Condition 4 (Hours of Use) Objection – 243 Portswood Road
0424 243 Portswood Road Southampton Objects
read moreNovember 2023: Premises (Alcohol) Licence Decision – Sam Store, 72, Portswood Road
The decision is below: Sam Store Licensing Decision – 16.11.23
read moreOctober 2023: Alcohol Licence Objection – 72, Portswood Road
1023 72 Portswood Road Alcohol Licence
read moreJune 2023: Appeal Objection – 201, Portswood Road
Planning Appeal Reference: APP/D1780/W/23/3315088 Erection of a two-storey rear extension to create additional ancillary space for the existing retail unit with a 1-bedroom flat above, whilst retaining the existing dwelling. Appeal...
read moreJune 2023: Planning Objection – 112, Upper Shaftesbury Avenue
HRA Planning Objection in the link below: 0623 112 Upper Shaftesbury Avenue
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