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Planning Application 17/00983/FUL, 133 Portswood Road, Southampton

3 August 2017

Anna Lee


Southampton City Council


Dear Anna


Application 17/00983/FUL

133 Portswood Road


I am writing on behalf of Highfield Residents’ Association to object to the above planning application.


The height and massing of the proposal are overbearing in the context of the surrounding area. It is out of scale in relationship to Addis Square, and the adjacent houses in Brookvale Road. The relationship to the shopping area has overtaken consideration of the residential element. The local context, including the neighbouring conservation area, has not been taken fully into account. We are aware that the City Plan will allow a tall building on this site (junction, district centre) but surely this is a site where a development of 3 to 4 storeys at most would be more suitable to the context.  SDP6 SDP7 SDP9


We cannot understand why Highways have not as yet commented on the removal of the bus stop to a position much closer to the junction of Portswood Road and Brookvale Road. This is a very busy junction with frequent bus traffic (every 7 minutes during term time). Surely further congestion in Portswood Road will be the inevitable result, with a reduction in air quality where vehicles are stopped for longer periods. The site is very close to Bevois Valley, an Air Quality Management Area, where the pollution derives from queuing traffic congestion at junctions. SDP15


We request that the application be refused.


Yours sincerely


Jill Baston

Planning Representative

Highfield Residents’ Association