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Planning Application 17/00703/FUL: Widening of Lovers’ Walk. HRA Objection

Dear Planning,

Please see attached this Association’s objections to this proposed application, plus the two additional appendices.

If I may additionally comment as follows, in the interests saving the Council much wasted time, effort and tax payers money, the application proposal conflicts with the Development Plan and there is a more cost effective and feasible alternative scheme, that could thus avoid such conflict.

There is therefore no justification for granting, or indeed even considering the application in it’s present form, since following the representations already made to you, it must be known that the application is legally unsound and at least subject to challenge at Appeal.  Given this knowledge beforehand, the Council would therefore surely be culpable in proceeding  as proposed?

J Gillen

Acting Chair HRA

Attachments as follows:


Appendix 9(1)

Appendix 10(1)