HRA Committee and Members
HRA Committee
The HRA Committee meets on the second Tuesday every month at 7 pm. It may miss August if a quorum is not available. There is generally no meeting in the month in which the Annual General Meeting is held. Members of the Association are welcome to attend Committee Meetings as Observers and may be requested to provide information and advice. They can also request that an item of business is included on a Committee Meeting Agenda by contacting the Chair or Secretary at least a day in advance of the meeting. From time to time, the Committee has a Restricted Agenda where it will be a closed meeting.
The Committee regularly liaises with other Residents’ Associations and Community groups on Planning and Licensing, plus any other matters of mutual interest. This includes The Local Authority and other statutory bodies as required. HRA plays an active part at local level in both the North Southampton Community Forum and the Southampton Federation of Residents’ Associations, plus the UK wide National Organisation of Residents’ Associations (NORA) and the National HMO Lobby. See links above.
Our aim is to protect and preserve our area and city as a viable and sustainable community and a great place to live and work.
HRA Committee Members
Chair : Roger Brown
Treasurer: Martin Benning
Honorary Secretary & Minute Taker: Barbara Claridge
Membership Secretary: Nicolla Martin
Digital Comunications & Data Protection Officer: Nadine Johnson
Newsletter Designer: Ken Burtenshaw
Planning & Licensing: Vacancy
Honorary Life Committee Member: Jerry Gillen
Committee Member: Steve Connolly
Committee Member: Karen Edwards
Committee Member: Christine Rawnsley
Committee Member: Jayne Tamlyn
Committee Member: David White
Non-committee members:
Accounts Examiner: Malcolm White
Webmaster: Ross Gordon