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A man bleeding from the head – from the Group of street drinkers hanging around the Victory Gospel Church/Atlantic Cleaners, Portswood

Recent event – end December 2024. One of the HRA Crime information sharing WhatsApp Group representatives rang for an ambulance. They gave 999 the necessary information so the police could also be informed if required.
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Protect Your Bike! Free Bike Marking & Registration Event on January 2nd 2025 – at various venues including Portswood Police Station and Lawn Road Playground!

All info below courtesy of Hampshire Alert /Hampshire and the IOW Constabulary “If you or your family received a bicycle for Christmas – or you already rely on your bike regularly – this is the perfect time to ensure it’s protected and secure. Your Neighbourhood Policing Team is hosting a FREE bike marking and registration event, and for your convenience, we’ll be setting...
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Robber caught stuffing booze in bag at Southampton Waitrose (from Daily Echo, 22/12/24)

Click on the link below to read the article by Maya George, Daily Echo Court and Crime Reporter https://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/24811183.robber-caught-stuffing-booze-bag-southampton-waitrose/      
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Anti-social behaviour reporting (extract from HRA E-News December 2024 – 12/12/24)

Anti-social behaviour in Portswood Broadway continues to be reported in the HRA Crime information sharing WhatsApp Group. This ranges from on-street drinking and aggressive attitudes to more serious instances of physical violence and drug use. There is a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in Portswood Broadway which covers the area between Sainsbury’s and Gordon Avenue. The order is enforced...
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Warning: a house in Oakmount Triangle had an Amazon parcel stolen from their doorstep yesterday (2/12/24), within 9 minutes of it having been delivered that afternoon!

At this time of year with Black Friday and Christmas shopping, this is just a reminder to please be vigilant and take your parcels in as soon as possible and not let them linger on the doorstep. The above theft was reported to the police. Please report any thefts to the police by phoning 101 or submitting an online report here: https://www.hampshire.police.uk/ For violent incidents, serious...
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Ahead of the PACT meeting this evening 2/12/24, here is some information regarding several concerns raised at the last PACT meeting on 9/9/24

Ahead of tonight’s PACT meeting, please see below reply form our Highway’s Team, regarding concerns raised at the last PACT meeting on 9 September. Speeding on Highfield Lane: In regard to Highfield Lane we are looking at installing a couple of our Vehicle Activated Sigs (VAS) signs here. Units will be in a location for a month and then will move elsewhere. We have two locations earmarked for...
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Break-in and five items stolen – Friends of Southampton Old Cemetery’s (FoSOC) storage container, Old Cemetery, Southampton Common

This happened between the afternoon of Tuesday 26th November and the discovery of the theft mid-morning on Thursday 28 November 2024. Five items were stolen from one of their storage containers.  The thieves managed to saw through 5 locks & heavy chains.  Items stolen: Stihl strimmers/ hedge cutter & blower. This is equipment they use to look after the Old Cemetery. The incident was...
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Southampton Police on Facebook: Appeal for help in identifying two men who stole approximately £1000 in cosmetic products from Boots, Portswood

Courtesy of Southampton Police on Facebook: 27/11/24 “CAN YOU HELP? Good afternoon. How are you all? Please can you help us with the below appeal? Do you recognise these men? We would like to speak to them in connection with a shoplifting incident which was reported at Boots, Portswood Road, Southampton The incident, which occurred shortly before 2pm on Wednesday 26 November, involved the...
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