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Four men trying car door handles – all along Upper Shaftesbury Avenue

During night of 5 October 2024, a group of four men – two on each side of the road, were trying car door handles of all the cars in the road, even walking up sideways to try the handles of cars parked in sideways. Reported to the police.
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Shoplifting – charity shops, Portswood Road

Reported to WhatsApp Group on Saturday 2 November 2024. Reports from lots of the charity shops on Portswood Road of a group of girls blatantly shoplifting and denying when challenged. Staff were communicating between the charity shops to warn eachother. One WhatsApp Group representative saw one girl arrested on Friday 1st November.
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Very difficult for pedestrians – parking on forecourt of the Victory Church, Portswood Broadway

Reported in WhatsApp Group 29/10/24. Reported twice – to a Traffic Warden (in passing) and also to PC Adam O’Neill. Response: as far as cars are concerned, these are private property issues. Query whether street drinkers drinking openly on these premises is also a private property issue? NCJ to follow up!
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Anti-social behaviour – open drinking: on the steps of the Cancer Research Shop, Portswood Broadway

Reported to WhatsApp Group on 29/10/24. Took place very recently. There were so many people that you couldn’t enter or exit the shop without going through or interacting with them. It was not reported as the person was driving through Portswood at the time. They also didn’t have specific details or description and could have taken it out  of context. It was hoped that the shop would have...
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Anti-social behaviour – open street drinking: Portswood Broadway (by the corner of October Books and the unmade alleyway, and on the steps of Victory Gospel Church)

Took place on Tuesday 29 October between at least 12:15pm and 12:45pm. 6 men and 1 woman congregated on the steps of Victory Gospel Church and 4 men (one with a large plastic bottle of drink) by the corner of October Books and the unmade alleyway. This is in violation of the Public Spaces Protection Order in Portswood Broadway. Reported to Community Safety. The person reporting asked to be...
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Shed with children’s play equipment on fire and all contents burned – Highfield Infants’ School

Started as a fire in the playground on Sunday afternoon, 27 October 2024. This spread and the shed and all contents were burned before the Fire Brigade could reach them. This is the 2nd time in a few weeks that the children’s play equipment has been burned. It was arson/vandalism the first time; is this arson again?
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Police officers investigating a non-suspicious death of a man found in April this year in undergrowth in a wooded area on the A35 The Avenue, close to the Burgess Rd junction, are appealing for information to identify him

All info below courtesy of Southampton Police on Facebook, 17/10/24 Police were called around 6.50pm on Friday 19 April to reports of a man’s body being located in undergrowth in a wooded area on the A35, The Avenue, close to the junction of Burgess Road. Sadly, the man was pronounced dead at the scene and we have so far been unable to identify him. He is described as being white, of skinny...
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Abandoned wrecked car – on pavement in Highfield Lane, opposite Highfield Church Centre

Seen from Tuesday 15 October  at around 8.30pm onwards. NCJ wrote to PC A. O’Neill and PCSO H Morrison on 17/10/24 re the above, asking what happened and when the car will be removed. PC AO’N responded on 17/10/24 to say: “They have searched the area and found no trace of the vehicle. It appears the owner or driver may have been involved in an accident and left it there...
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