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HRA Committee Meeting Agenda for 11 May 2015

Highfield Residents Association Committee Meeting To be held on 11th May 2015 at Highfield House Hotel, 7.30 pm Agenda Welcome, apologies  and declarations of interest. Minutes of last meeting (previously circulated and taken as read). Matters arising. AGM 13 Grosvenor Road. Brown Bins. Rat Man. Reports Planning Membership Finance AOB Reserved business Date of next...
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HRA’s 39th AGM: 7.30 pm Thursday 30 April 2015 – AGENDA

HRA ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 7.30pm THURSDAY 30 APRIL 2015 HIGHFIELD HOUSE HOTEL A G E N D A 1. Introduction and welcome from the Chair. 2. Minutes of the last AGM, previously circulated and taken as read. 3. Matters arising. 4 Chair’s Report. 5. Committee Reports: Adrian Vinson (Planning) Jerry Gillen (Building Bridges) Simon Hill (Little Common) 5. Treasurer’s Report. 7. Election and...
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Agenda: HRA Committee Meeting 9 March 2015

Highfield Residents Association Committee Meeting To be held on 9th March 2015 at Highfield House Hotel, 7.30 pm Agenda Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest. Minutes of last meeting  (previously circulated and taken as read). Matters arising. Reports:- Finance:   Membership; Planning. AOB Reserved Business. Date of next...
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HRA Committee Agenda – 12 January 2015

  Highfield Residents Association Committee Meeting: To be held on 12th January 2015 at Highfield House Hotel, 7.30 pm AGENDA Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest. Minutes of last meeting  (previously circulated and taken as read). Matters arising. Building Bridges; Childrens’ Christmas Party HMO Licensing Janet Hawkins and Karen Hunter Website Presentation: Nadine Johnson AGM...
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Meeting Agenda for 8th December

The next meeting of the HRA Committee is at 7.30 pm on Monday 8 December 2014 at the Highfield House Hotel. All members welcome. Please see Agenda below. 1. Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest. 2. Minutes of last meeting (previously circulated and taken as read). 3. Matters arising: – Building Bridges – Brookvale Road repairs – Childrens’ Christmas Party 4. Website....
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