An update on the Portswood Bus-Gate Project (12 December 2024) – Extract from HRA E-News to Members
Posted by Highfield Residents' Association on Dec 13, 2024 in News | 0 comments(Extract from HRA E-News to Members (12/12/24)
A reminder that the Portswood Broadway Bus-gate is scheduled to go live on 27 January with all measures in place by this date.
Project objectives SCC
‘As part of the trial, the level of achievement of each of the following objectives for the Portswood Project will be measured (these are the Key Performance Indicators):
1. To regenerate and make Portswood District Centre a more attractive, accessible, vibrant and competitive economic destination so people spend more time and money here
2. To improve the air quality, environment and biodiversity
3. To provide more space for people walking and wheeling with improved connectivity and road safety
4. To improve the choices of transport modes for people to use
5. To improve bus reliability and journey times and create better bus stops
6. To enhance quality of life for all who live, work or shop in the area
7. To reduce the amount of through route traffic on local roads
8. To reduce crime and anti-social behaviour’.
The full set of Minutes from Steering Group Meeting 3 are now available.