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Crime prevention – Preventing thefts from vehicles

Taken from Hampshire Alert / Hampshire and the IOW Constabulary: 5/12/24

Thefts from vehicles are often crimes of opportunity. A thief only needs a few seconds to decide whether your car is worth targeting. By taking a few simple precautions, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to this type of crime.

The Opportunist Thief: Why Leaving Items on Display is RiskyLeaving valuables like handbags, laptops, or mobile phones visible inside your vehicle makes it a target for opportunist thieves. Even seemingly insignificant items like a shopping bag, jacket, or loose change can tempt a thief to break into your car, hoping to find something of greater value.

Theft from vehicles can happen anytime -day or night- regardless of whether your car is parked in a driveway, on a residential street, or in a public car park. Thieves often smash windows to gain entry or, in some cases, use tools to force locks or doors. Older vehicles may be particularly vulnerable to prying attacks.

Top Tips to Keep Your Vehicle and Belongings SafeFollow these practical steps to deter thieves and protect your car and possessions:

  • Take It with You
    • Always remove valuables from your vehicle. Never leave items like wallets, electronics, or shopping bags in sight.
    • Avoid “hiding” items under seats or in the boot; thieves often search these areas.
  • Lock It and Double-Check
    • Ensure all windows are closed, and the car is locked every time you leave it, even for a short period.
    • After locking, physically test the doors to confirm they are secure.
  • Park Smart
    • Use attended car parks where possible, or look for locations approved by the Park Mark scheme, which promotes safer parking.
    • When parking at home, use your garage if you have one. If not, choose a well-lit area to park your vehicle.
  • Show It’s Empty
    • Leave your glove box open to show there’s nothing inside.
    • Avoid storing vehicle documents or personal items in the car.
  • Security Measures
    • Consider installing an alarm or immobiliser. Consult your vehicle manufacturer for advice or visit the Sold Secure website for trusted solutions.
    • Mark your belongings with a UV pen or engraving, which can deter thieves and help identify stolen items.

Extra Care During the Festive SeasonThe holiday season is an especially vulnerable time, as people often store gifts or shopping in their vehicles. Always take extra precautions:

  • Keep all shopping bags out of sight or, better yet, remove them from the car entirely.
  • Plan shopping trips carefully to minimise the time gifts spend unattended in your vehicle.

A Final Reminder: “Take It, Lock It, Check It”The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary has a simple yet effective mantra to prevent thefts from vehicles: Take It, Lock It, Check It. This advice encourages everyone to:

  • Take It: Remove valuables and don’t leave anything behind.
  • Lock It: Secure the vehicle and ensure windows are closed.
  • Check It: Double-check that your car is locked and empty before walking away.

By adopting these measures, you can reduce the risk of theft and ensure your peace of mind.