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Deadline for sending comments/suggestions to the University of Southampton on their Residences Programme at the Avenue Campus – early stage proposals

We posted on this before Christmas and this is just a remnder that the University has extended the deadline for comments / suggestions to be sent to them on their early stage proposals. The deadline is now 10th January 2025, ie this Friday. See letter from the University below for those who might not have received it.
Comments/suggestions should be sent to: EstateDevelopment@soton.ac.uk
The University information states: ‘We are at an initial stage of development and will be holding an in-person event in the New Year, however early comments are easier to respond to within the design. We will review all comments and will be in touch to invite you to an in-person exhibition in the New Year.’
Here is some information we posted on the early stage proposals before Christmas:
Some of those who live near to the University of Southampton’s Avenue Campus might be affected by early stage plans for the building of student residences on the Avenue Campus: 484 beds in blocks of between 4 and 5 storeys high are currently proposed.
The University of Southampton information on the programme is here: https://www.southampton.ac.uk/…/residences-development…
The HRA has made some initial comments on the main issues; largely matters for clarification – see in link below. This is not HRA’s formal response; HRA has yet to adopt a formal position on these early stage plans: https://www.highfieldresidents.org.uk/…/RB-letter-to…
Here is the response from a neighbouring residents’ association – Oakmount Triangle Residents Association (OTRA). This includes some new graphic representations which show how the buildings would impose on the neighbourhood. OTRA has set up a working group. More information in the link below.
HRA has created a webpage for all related information and communications: ‘University residences development at Avenue Campus’:
Some info courtesy of the University of Southampton and also OTRA.